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Student acceptance of e-books: A case study of landmark university

Okocha Foluke


This study explained the factors that influence the acceptance of e-books by students in Landmark University. The study was carried out using survey method. Questionnaire was used to collect data for this study. A total of 300 sets of questionnaire were distributed to undergraduate students of Landmark University of which 287 were returned. The Questionnaire consisted majorly on close ended questions. The design was guided by the UTAUT model. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data from close-ended questions and reliability test was carried out on the UTAUT constructs to tests its validity in research after which factor analysis was carried out and variables were computed .Regression analysis was also carried out to test the UTAUT model.The study shows that majority of respondents were aware of e-books but 46.6% of respondents had used e-books only once. E -Library was noted to be the e-book database majorly used by students. It was also noted that majority of students found out about e-books from lecturers and colleagues. Student acceptance of e-books was tested using UTAUT model. Performance expectancy Effort expectancy and Facilitating conditions were seen to significantly influence the acceptance of e-books by students in Landmark  University, while Social Influence did not influence acceptance of e-books.

Key Words: E-books, acceptance, UTAUT model, University

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